woensdag 26 september 2012

Musical crime

Australian Folk Songs verscheen in 1958 en was het resultaat van het bezoek van Burl Ives aan Australië in 1952. Hij was daar op uitnodiging van Percy Jones, professor in muziek.
Het album kreeg op internet de volgende review:
"While a lot that's on this has been bypassed and supplanted by subsequent efforts, it's still vital listening, and even more so when one appreciates the circumstances of its recording and origins. It offers some of the most spare and authentic settings of Ives' entire career... and also some of Ives' most rousing and spirited singing... Even the seemingly familiar titles are presented in uniquely Australian incarnations that transform them into something new and wonderful to hear; and it has to be remembered that virtually everything here was being put on record for the very first time; and the record's subsequent release in America was just as special an event at the time. And of all of Ives' 1950s albums, this is the one whose absence on CD (as of 2009) is a true musical crime, as well as an affront to Ives' history and memory."
Het bevat oa The Dying Stockman

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