dinsdag 27 december 2011

Kwart over sex

'Akustische Schnappschüsse aus dem Nachtleben'
Op de achterkant staat het volgende:
'You're all familiar, we're sure, with picture stories. You can find them every week in the illustrateds. When they're good, the reader has the impression of having been on the spot. This feeling is even stronger when such accounts are shown in moviehouses or on TV. Here we can sense and see the action. Phonographed stories - now that's something new. The 'mike' has caught the voices of people, artists, musicians and the audience, it has picked up their remarks, the voices, the sounds and the moods. This can all be brought back to life at home on the record player, the sounds can be heard again. And the listener is on the spot - even though he had never been there really. Or, if he has been, then everything is relived again, just as though it were happening now.'
Dit album speelt zich af in het uitgaansleven van München (Schwabing is ook een stadsdeel van München) en bevat oa een nummer van de Balalaika-Beatniks, Hugo's Strasser Orkest en Elfie Pertramer

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