maandag 24 oktober 2011

I hear you

Deze Top of the Pops plaat verscheen in 1970, in totaal verschenen er tussen 1968 en 1985 92 TOTP-albums. Ik wil ze allemaal ; - )
Deze bevat oa In my chair & You've got me dangling on a string, op de achterkant staat de volgende tekst:
Every single Pop fan in the country has been screaming for the next issue of ’Top of the Pops’ (or so it seems to our hard pressed staff). Well, here it is - brighter, breezier, beatier than any of our previous issues and packed with twelve of the current hit tunes. You’ll listen to this album once, and you’ll play it over and over again. Never mind the neighbours - they’ll probably love it too! If you have a neighbour who’s a Square, never mind again, he’s bound to be converted after you’ve played it a few hundred times.
So Hip, Hip, you hippies; and Yipee, you yippies; go grab yourself this handful of rhythm and beat its brains out on your player until our next issue comes out - and when it does, yell for it loud and clear, for they’ll be moving off the shelf - but fast!

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